We warmly welcome your tithes, offerings, and prayers! You can easily contribute via Cash App at $TDCTRIAD, or send your gifts by mail to 2808 Randleman Road, Suite E, Greensboro, NC 27406.
First and foremost, this is a spiritual endeavor, and we need people who will commit to pray for TDC. It is only through prayer that we will accomplish God's plan for this church. If you would like to receive regular prayer updates, please email us at transformationdc@gmail.com
There are opportunities where people with a heart to help can serve, regardless of their skills, strengths, and talents. We need: Musicians; Singers; Administration; Ushers; Greeters; Welcome Team; Graphic Artists; Set-up Crews and more!
You may know people in the Triad area who don't have a church home. If so, please tell them about or invite them to TDC! Let your friends and family know that they can call or email us, or you can refer them to our website www.TDCTriad.com or send them to our Facebook page at facebook.com/TDCtriad/
Here at Transformation Discipleship Church we are always looking for those who want to volunteer in any capacity. If you are interested or know someone who may be interested in volunteering please email us at Transformationdc@gmail.com
We are committed to creating a warm and welcoming environment for everyone God brings into our community. The work He has called us to is of great significance, and we are trusting Him to provide the resources we need to fulfill this mission. We believe He will stir the hearts of those who are called to support us in this effort. Every donation is tax-deductible and will directly contribute to making this vision a reality.
Copyright © 2018 Transformation Discipleship Church - All Rights Reserved.